Yes, Braxton and I have a list of 101 THINGS TO ENJOY AS A COUPLE. This was a list created by me while I worked in Birmingham....I didn't have enough to do for 40 hours each week! But this list has been interesting in seeing what we have completed and how long it has taken.
A few of them we have completed....
#51 -- Sing a solo before Braxton preaches a message
#64 -- Buy a brand new house
#65 -- Paint a baby's room pink or blue (well we painted it khaki!)
#85 -- Take a picture on the beach wearing white shirts
#94 -- Create a family webpage and keep it up-to-date (what are you reading???)
So, they might be the small things in life but to Braxton and I, they mean alot!
Back to #26! Braxton and I are leaving Friday morning for a trip to the Biltmore Estates. Braxton has visited the Biltmore before, but this will be my first trip. I can't wait! This is our first anniversary trip and we can't wait. We are taking a 4 day weekend visiting the Biltmore and coming home through Gatlinburg for one night. The only looks like rain for most of the weekend. Hopefully the rain will hold off or get over with before our trip.

ALL that matters is that Braxton and I are having a chance to spend quality time together. I can honestly say we don't get much of this time! On top of adding a child into the mix, the fact that I stay in Huntsville on Monday and Tuesday nights does not help the effort of "spending more time together"! We can work on that plan later!!
A HUGE thank you to my parents and my sister for being so willing to keep Parker this weekend. They are sharing the love. My parents think they will have Parker walking before the weekend is over! All I hope for is that he will learn "How Old Are You Parker?" And then hold up one finger! GOOD LUCK!
HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND! I will post pictures soon!
First of all, who is that little boy with curly hair on the front of your blog?! :) Parker is changing! What a cutie!
You will LOVE the Biltmore! Chris and I went in October. Have fun!!
Enjoy a much deserved and needed trip. Take the time to treat yourself! It's the little things in life you begin to cherish. Hope to see you soon!
Your list sounds like a fun idea :)
I've been thinking about doing something like that too.
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