I love saying MERRY CHRISTMAS! I can't stand Happy Holidays! I saw one of the best magnets/bumper stickers that said "It is okay for me to say Merry Christmas!" How true is that...anyways on to the week in review.
My office was only open Monday and Tuesday the week of Christmas. Tuesday night we had a nice surprise....mom and dad offered to keep Parker for the evening. Braxton and I had date night and we went and saw 7 Pounds with Will Smith. Great movie!!! Wednesday, Braxton had to work 1/2 day. I got up and cleaned house then ran into Gardendale for those last few details. When I arrived back home, my mom and dad and Dakota had arrived to return Parker. Wednesday night we took it easy. I wrapped the last of the presents and cleaned up a little more.
Christmas day was great. Christmas Eve...not so much. Braxton decided to change Parker's diaper at midnight and Parker decided he did not want to go to bed! Parker and I had to sleep in the quest bed until 3:30am then I put him in his bed. Of course he woke up at 6:45! After he woke up....we opened presents.
We went to Chuck and Misty's "old house" for the Reno/Kennedy Christmas lunch. Then Christmas night we hosted the Reno family Christmas at our house. There were TONS of presents. Parker started getting tired, but never gave into wanting to sleep! After everyone left our house, we drove to Huntsville to spend some time with my family.
Friday (the day after Christmas) we hung around Huntsville....returning stuff and just enjoying being off of work. Friday afternoon, Elesha, Dakota and Gavin came to my parents' house for the evening/night because Brant was working at the fire station. Friday night we played games and enjoyed each other's company. We played a new version of Monopoly that uses credit cards instead of paper money. Braxton was not happy....he lost! He went bankrupt first. He really tried to not go to bed mad, but it was hard!
Sunday night I took down all of the decorations. I guess I am ready for the holidays to be over and to get back to some type of normal living! Whatever that is! I guess it is time for new year's resolutions and the famous four letter word D-I-E-T!!! HA! I hope everyone had a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
Too Tired for Words!!!!
So glad to hear yall had a great Christmas!! All the pictures are great and looks like Parker got a lot of nice things!
Sounds like you guys had a busy but great Christmas with family...I love the last picture of Parker..sweet.
I love your idea about Parker getting three gifts for Christmas just like Jesus did... My husband and I talked about how much is enough just this year with our son, Rooks, turning one at the first of Dec. I think we will steal this idea if you don't mind? Happy New Year!
It sounds as if Parker enjoyed his first Christmas. I know you were all busy! Hope you have a blessed and Happy New Year!
I love the picture of Parker with that bear...what's his name????
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