Goodbye 2008 and hello 2009! It is hard to believe that 2008 is over and we are on to a new year. Of course with a new year is a chance to start new and fresh. This year I have a few resolutions that I want to work towards. Will I accomplish them? I hope so, but if not, I won't count myself as a failure, but it never hurts to put it out there as a goal!
1. Become healthier - Yes I could put loose weight, but then if I don't...I would not feel successful. But if I can eat healthier, exercise more and just improve my health, then I will accomplish this goal.
2. Draw Closer to God - Not only will this strengthen my faith and my witness, but I know it will strengthen my relationship with Braxton.
3. Spend More Time with Braxton - Although Braxton and I spend time together, we don't' get much one on one time. Conversations revolve around Parker, work or just stuff! We really want to spend more time together and throw in some one on one dates and hopefully we can take an anniversary trip together!
4. Take Time For Myself - Since Parker has been born, I have let "me" go. I can't tell you how long my toenail polish was on before I took it off the third weekend in December! But I am starting this resolution off the end of the month I am taking the afternoon off getting a one hour massage (thanks to my hubby) and a nice pedicure.
Whatever goals/resolutions you may have, I wish you good luck that you may accomplish them, and stick to them throughout 2009! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
3 months ago
Those resolutions sound great (especially the one with the massage). It is so true though..once you have kids it is so easy to just put yourself on the back burner because there always seems to be something else "more important". I need to have a resolution like that for myself!!
Sam and I are on the "healthier" bandwagon! We, too, are not calling it a 'diet' but we have called it a "Lifestyle Change."!! We have been doing it since the day after Christmas, and we both already feel amazing!! Good Luck!
Me time and date nights are very important to a healthy relationship. Eating better and a little more exercise always make you feel better. Do good with your new year goals!
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