It has been awhile since I posted anything, but we have been a busy family. Last week was just a busy day-to-day week. Parker was fighting an ear infection last week. I worked from my parent's house one day. When the work day ended I took Parker outside to grass (which we don't have at home) and took a few pictures in his "First Halloween" shirt. I think he was more interested in the grass than smiling for the camera.
Last weekend we just hung around the house. I wanted to get a few pictures hung up and I actually had the opportunity to go through all of Parker's (aka Gavin's old clothes) and hang up his clothes. It is hard to believe that he will be wearing 12 months in just a month or so!! Parker is actually slimming up....not to much weight gain, but of course his belly is still there.
We were just hoping that is 0-9 month Halloween outfit was going to fit!
3 months ago
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