It is Parker's FIRST HALLOWEEN!!!!! I worked from home on Halloween. Parker was such a good boy. He is so good about playing while Mommy works. I was so proud of him that I had to stop and take a picture! He is so content. Sometimes he will try to "move" towards me and the computer. He isn't always successful. When he starts to get real fussy, I move him closer to me and he will sit beside the shinny trash can (paper only!) and look at himself...he loves it!!
I hope Parker doesn't always think that every Halloween will be like this years! We had a wonderful Halloween. We loaded up and went to Huntsville for Parker's first Halloween. Two of our great friends, Tish and Jamie Engel hosted a hayride and Halloween party. We all (about 25 of us) met at Hampton Cove and had a hayride through the community. We stopped a few times and let the kids (and adults) trick-or-treat. See Parker's first house? Picture is not great, but it is what I got! Parker was so good. He didn't cry once, but he did try and eat the hay. I guess Sock Monkeys and hay don't go together. At the end of the ride he leaned his head over and was out!
After the hayride we stopped by to see my boss, Candy and her husband John. It was a nice surprise on Halloween. Parker never woke up while we were talking with them. After a short visit, we went on to the Halloween party. It was crazy! Some of the grandparents had also come by to see their grandchildren all dressed up for Halloween. We had Peter and Lucy from Narnia (Gavin and Dakota), a skeleton, 2 princesses, Peter Pan, a cowgirl, Indian Jones, a knight, one of the stars from High School Musical 3 and an octopus. It was GREAT! We ended up not leaving the Engel's house until 11pm. Thankfully Nana and Papa took Parker home around 10pm. It was a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
3 months ago
The sock monkey appears to have had a happy first halloween!
He is the cutest Sock Monkey I've ever seen!!
Honey you did a good job giving a detailed description of our enjoyable halloween weekend.
I hope you let Parker play w/socks all day.
love ya.
By the didn't say goodbye when you left that party! I never even knew you were gone. We were there even later I guess.
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