Why must our weekends be so short? It has been a couple of weeks since I posted, so I guess I need to catch up everyone up on the Reno Family!
The Renos have been fighting the fall time cold. Braxton had it first, then Parker, then Crystal, then back to Parker, back to Braxton and again back to me! NO FUN! Fighting the household sickness takes all your energy out and I had none left at the end of the week. Plus the work week was a trying one as well. Thank goodness for the weekend.
Friday night, Parker and I spent the evening with my parents at the camper in Scottsboro. It was great sitting around the campfire and laying on the hammock. Very relaxing! Saturday morning we woke up and went to Gavin's soccer game. He scored 2 goals...great for a 3 year old. He was decked out in his shin guards, blue t-shirt, soccer shorts (past his knees) and of course the famous blue mo hawk! After his game, Parker and I went to a pottery class where they took Parker's hand and foot print and the decorate a plate for Parker. I will post pictures once we get it back!
Saturday night we had friends/family over to watch the Alabama vs. Georgia football game. ROLL TIDE! WOW...what a game. It was unbelievable to watch Alabama play as hard as they did against a number 3 ranked team. Saturday night was a night filled with little sleep. I did not sleep well at all. When I woke up Sunday, I knew I could not make it to church and through the entire service. So...we did something we NEVER do....we called in sick to church. We actually had our own little church service. We watched First Baptist of Gardendale's church service....in our pjs! The rest of the day we spent at home relaxing and just taking it as easy as possible.
That was our weekend in a nutshell. Hopefully next weekend will be a more eventful one! And if time doesn't get away from me I will hopefully post a few pictures. Have a great week!!!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Last Weekend of September - First Weekend of Fall
Posted by The Reno Family at 9:00 PM 2 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
Parent of 3...just for tonight!
Tonight I was a mom of three! I stayed in Huntsville with my parents (try to save a little gas money!) and my niece and nephew were staying as well. Elesha and Brant had to go to a trade show in Memphis, TN. Nana (my mom) had a planning meeting at church, which left Dakota, 6, Gavin, 3 almost 4, and Parker, 6 months with me and Papa (my dad). WOW...what energy those 2 children have. We started by eating pizza for dinner...nana and papa's treat. After dinner we went outside. The weather was so nice. I put Parker in his stroller and let him watch us all play. Get this....we played with a frisbee. I haven't played with a frisbee in forever! We had 5 frisbees, 3 softballs and 1 football. Dakota and Gavin won the "football game". And for a moment I thought about doing a cartwheel but was too afraid I would have to drive myself to the ER! Once we came back in the house, it was homework time....flash cards and piano. Finally it was bath time. After they smelt nice and clean, I fixed the kids orange sherbet and let them watch a little bit of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. AND finally at 8:30pm they were off to bed. But of course the day doesn't end after that! Lunches must be packed, clothes for the next day laid out and a much needed piece of chocolate cheesecake had to be eaten! GOOD NIGHT!
Posted by The Reno Family at 9:42 PM 2 comments
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Our Weekend: Can you spell B-U-S-Y!!
Wow, it feels like this weekend has flown by. And what do I have to show for it? Nothing except the memory of a weekend. Friday was a work day and Friday night we spent at the house hanging out and relaxing after a long week.
Braxton wasn't feeling well so we wanted to sleep a little late on Saturday...we just were hoping Parker would agree. HE DID!!! After a bottle at 5:50 am, Parker went right back to sleep and slept until almost 9:00 am! Braxton and I had decided to save money on gas we would not leave the house all day Saturday, but plans changed. We packed up the car and ran errands in Gardendale/Fultondale. Braxton really hates to go to the grocery store, but he was a trooper. I had a little leverage because I let him buy something at Bama Fever. =) We had planned to stay at home and watch the Bama game, but Braxton's family invited us over to the house to eat and watch the game.

Posted by The Reno Family at 9:11 PM 1 comments
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Painting Class
Posted by The Reno Family at 3:57 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 6, 2008
3 am ER visit & Baby Dedication
WOW! What a weekend. Friday evening Parker and I spent the night with my parents in Huntsville. We were supposed to go to Intergraph's family picnic so that my mom could show off all of her grandkids. Thursday and Friday Parker was not feeling great. As far as I knew it was just a cold with a cough...but Saturday morning things changed. Parker woke up around 3 am coughing and unable to get a good breath. So, mom, dad, myself and Parker took a trip to Huntsville Hospital Pediatric ER. And might I say he was ADORABLE in his XS hospital gown! Unfortunately it was the one time I did not have my camera in the car. Parker was given a shot and a breathing treatment, and diagnosed with croup. After 2 hours of observation we left the hospital at 7 am.
And Sunday was a big day. Parker was dedicated
Posted by The Reno Family at 1:03 PM 3 comments
Friday, September 5, 2008
It is Friday, and I am just getting around to posting about last weekend!
Talk about a busy week! Our Labor Day weekend was great. Friday evening and Saturday were spent in Huntsville because I had to work Saturday morning, then it was back to Hayden to watch the Alabama game. This was Parker's first Alabama Football game, and what excitement it was! ROLL TIDE ROLL! We made an appearance at our neighbor's house for a little while, then it was time for Parker's bath and bedtime.
Posted by The Reno Family at 10:10 PM 1 comments