Yes, the Reno family still exists! Wow and have we been busy. It is hard to believe I haven't posted in almost 2 months. Sorry followers!!! So here is a little update!
July was a great month for us. We went on our annual beach trip with the Reno family. This was the first time I have ever stayed at the beach for a whole 7 days! It was great. We had great weather and Parker LOVED the beach - including the sand and the ocean. Not that I am trying to rush through the next year, but I know he will have even more fun in 2010 at the beach! The rest of July was the same old thing. Work, church, family time and just enjoying the summer and beautiful weather.
August was a busy month for the Reno family. Every weekend was booked with family time and home improvement projects. During the month we actually laid SOD in our front yard and on the sides. It was alot of hard work for the guys who helped out and it looks great. Braxton likes it because he hasn't had to cut the front yard in over a month! HA! Parker also got tubes put in his ears at the end of the month. He had 9 ear infections in the last 12 months. It was time and I can already tell a difference! Once again we spent the month enjoying the weather and staying busy with work, church, family and friends!

NOW....can you believe it is already September? CRAZY! And best of all.....FOOTBALL SEASON is here!! So this is the first weekend of college football and Braxton made it known on the fridge calendar "No work! Only football" for Saturday, September 5th! And that has been pretty much it for him! And I am glad he has gotten to enjoy it. I on the other hand get a little bit of cleaning down to the house.
Last night I had the opportunity to attend my first Kelly's Kids clothing party. It was so tough to decide what to buy. We have been VERY blessed by my sister who has passed down all of my nephew's (Gavin) clothing to us for Parker. Not only is she what I would call a shopaholic for her children, but she kept the clothes in great shape! So we have been fortunate to not have to spend alot of money on clothing for Parker - just a few things here and there because of Gavin being born in November and Parker being born in March. So....I splurged a little!

A MUST have for this football family! I didn't get it monogrammed because I want to be able to use it for another boy (if we have another boy)!

So we have had a great weekend so far and looking forward to the rest of the weekend with the Duckworth family at Lake Guntersville. Hope everyone has a wonderful Labor Day weekend!
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