Monday, March 15, 2010

Parker's 2nd Birthday Party

What a birthday filled weekend we have had!  It all started with cupcakes for his class on Friday at school.  Then Saturday was the big party!  Mickey Mouse Clubhouse was the chosen theme.  Boy was Parker surprised to see all of the Mickey Mouse goodies!

It all started with a fabulous cake!  (No I didn't make it!)  I would love to claim it, but I can't!  A relative of a fellow church member, Michelle, made the cake.  And it really did taste as good as it looked.  Parker loved the cake!  He went with me to pick up the cake.  When he saw it he wanted to touch it and of course eat it. 

Other decorations included balloons.  My child loves balloons.  I know what you are thinking...every child loves balloons!  But, my child REALLY loves balloons.  There were plenty for his taking.  He especially the Mickey balloon!

We were so blessed to have almost all (minus my sister, brother-in-law, niece and nephew) of our immediate family members present.  Not too mention the friends that also joined us for the special party.  Parker got presents galore!  Including a remote control car, a lawn mower that blows bubbles, a Mr. Potato Head, puzzles, cute shirts ("Dirt Is My Favorite Color" and "King of the playground"), Little People barn and animals, kids bowling set, Cars watch and even some necessities like sheets for his new bed, decorative pillows in the shape of a football and baseball and his comforter for his bed.  I haven't ordered it yet, but he is also getting an outdoor play set.  He will LOVE it!

Parker has been practicing his candle blowing skills for over a month now!  I will light a match and sing "Happy Birthday", then he blows it out at the end of the song.  He was SO ready Saturday to show everyone his new skill.  We even sang it twice so he could blow out his candle twice!

The party was a huge success and I crashed as soon as eveyone left.  I was sore from all the cleaning the night before and just plain tired!  Here are few other pictures from the party and the birthday weekend.

I am not a professional photographer and I try not to be obnoxious about how cute Parker is, but these pictures just about proves all of my thoughts about him!  A heartbreaker in the making!!!


Thursday, March 11, 2010


Yesterday was the big day! I had my ultrasound appointment to find out the gender of baby #2. This pregnancy has felt different than my pregnancy with Parker. I haven't been as sick...I have been much more worn out...and the baby doesn't move as much as Parker did, even in the early months. I just felt it was different. Oh, there were lots of predictions...LOTS! But only some of the people could win.
Our appointment was at 8:00am. I was anxious...more than wanting to find out the gender, I wanted to know that the baby was okay. I needed to know the baby had 2 arms, 2 legs and a healthy heart. The last few weeks have been mentally tough. The thoughts that run through your head that the baby is not okay....just a little trying on a pregnant woman! add to the anxious feelings I had, it was raining and traffic was HORRIBLE!!! There were wrecks all over the interstates and so we chose the highway like everyone else. We ended up being late, but luckily we didn't have to wait too long.
After the usually measurements (by the way I am measuring about 5 days early) and checking to make sure that all of the body parts where there, we got to see HER!!! Clear view and no doubt that it is a GIRL!!! I was happy and Braxton was nervous! The questions and thoughts that crossed his mind....
"We will have to pay for her wedding...ballet class...prom dresses...I don't know how to put a bow in a girl's do I play with a little girl?....she is going to be expensive...I just don't know what I am going to do with her!"

Good thing he had the day off from work to think about it all! And after much discussion and thinking...we decided on a name for our sweet little girl.

Paisley Madison Reno

Here are a couple of shirts I am looking at purchasing now that we know what the baby is.

I need this shirt right now!
A cute shirt for Parker!