Monday, April 27, 2009

A Long Weekend

This was definitely a LONG weekend! Friday night we stayed at home and had a pretty quite evening....BLTs make an easy dinner. I even had a little bit of time to clean out Parker's closet. Thanks Braxton for watching Parker!

Saturday was an early morning...Parker woke up at 7am. I cooked breakfast and things went downhill from there! Parker would not eat and would not drink anything. He would not even get down and play. If you needed him to go into another room, you had to carry him. He would not walk! All he wanted to do was lay on you and take cat naps. We had to run an errand in Trussville so we got ready and to run errands. We stopped to have lunch at Chick-fil-A. Now...Saturday is a very busy place at Chick-fil-A especially at Noon. Parker was crying so much that we had to leave the restaurant!!!! When we got him in the truck and buckled in the car seat, he stopped crying! We were successful at Wal-mart then it was time to go home. It only got worse at home. Parker's fever was 102.7 and even after a nap and medicine it stayed at 102.7. Time to go to Children's South after hours clinic. We were there from 6:30pm until 10:30pm. After having blood drawn, an attempt to get a urine sample and a chest x-ray, the doctor couldn't find anything. But his fever decreased and was back to normal. We truly believe that God touched Parker. We had lots of praying family members. Parker did not want to sleep once we got home...he was feeling better of course. He did not go to sleep until 1:15am!

Sunday morning was an early morning in preparation for a long day. We went to church then to eat with Braxton's family after church. Tiffany and Brent offered to keep Parker for the afternoon. Braxton and I had a meeting at church from 3-5 and then we had our first session of Fireproof Your Marriage. We didn't get home until 8:30 last night. Once again Parker was not interested sleeping. Around 9:00pm he finally went to sleep.

Now I am ready for this week to be over so I can hopefully enjoy next weekend! Have a great week!!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Parker's 1 Year Pictures

I must share and brag a little bit. Parker is pretty darn cute! These photos were taken by Adria Gooch Photography. For more information, you can check out her blog or she is on my list of "Blogging Friends".

He loved this basket! I love the green pants!

We will call this is STARE!

He will stay in a chest if you bribe him with marshmallows!

One day those eyes will get him whatever he least from me!

The Reno Family

Thursday, April 16, 2009

You'll Never Thirst Again

In our His Passion musical, Carolyn Perkins - who has an amazing voice, ministered with the song below.

You'll never find her story in a fairy tale
'Cause she wasn't like, the other women at the well
Her life was full of pain, hurt, rejection
Her loneliness she didn't want to show
But Jesus saw the desert in her soul

Drink from this water
Drink from this water
And you will never,
You'll never thirst again
Drink from this water
Drink from this water
You will never, you'll never thirst again

We all search for something
To fill us up inside
But it's only an illusion
You know a True Love's hard to find
But I'm here to tell you there's one place
Your thirst is quenched for ever more
You will never leave empty disappointed
You will find what you are looking for

Drink from this water
Drink from this water
And you will never,
You'll never thirst again
Drink from this water
Drink from this water
You will never, you'll never thirst again

And oh Jesus will meet you
At the place of every need
And only He can make the wounded whole
And make the blind man see

What part of the song speaks the most? "Jesus will meet you at the place of every need"! What is so awesome about God is He knows what each of us is in need of....each and every one!!! Just the same, Jesus died on the cross for EVERY sin. I don't know what sin is in your life, and you don't know what I am facing, but Jesus died on a cross so that we could be forgiven! But then to top it all...HE rose from the grave so that we could have ETERNAL LIFE with Him in Heaven! Thank you Carolyn for allowing God to use you!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Weekend


Friday night was the performance of His Passion. The performance was an awesome time of worship. Christway had over 1,000 in attendance. If you missed it, sorry! Don't forget to catch us next year!
Saturday morning, Braxton went to the men's fellowship breakfast at church and Parker and I stayed in the bed and watched cartoons. Then we had breakfast together and got ready for the Easter egg hunt at church. IT WAS COLD and WINDY!!! We had practiced last week putting small items in his basket. I was impressed by how well he did!

Parker dropping in his egg - he got 12 in all!

All afternoon he held on to 2 eggs! Even during lunch!

Parker's friend Brayden - thought we might have to do some damage control!

Parker also got 3 Easter baskets. One from my parents, one from Braxton's parents and one from me and Braxton. Spoiled child! We got some practical items....beach equipment including a shovel, sand sifter and beach towel!

One last Easter egg hunt at Nana's and Big Daddy's

And to end the weekend with a bang, this morning (Monday) I woke up at 2:00am sweating. I noticed that our ceiling fan was not on. Then I looked over and Parker's video monitor was not on either. NO POWER!!! I had to drive all the way to Huntsville with wet hair. My husband is staying in a hotel while Parker and I stay with my parents. News around our subdivision is that we probably won't get power until Wednesday or Thursday. And to top it off...I went to the grocery store on Friday! Everything will be ruined! Oh well....Easter can be new beginnings! So that is what it will be, a new beginning!

AND FINALLY...The 2 most handsome men in my life!


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Feels Like Redemption

A MUST SEE VIDEO! Watch this amazing human video of Christway's (Gardendale, Alabama) youth drama team performing to "Feels Like Redemption" by Michael English. This is AWESOME! It makes you so proud of all their hard work!

Friday, April 10, 2009

His Passion - Friday @ 7:00pm

I would like to invite all of my blog readers to HIS PASSION tonight. If you live in the Birmingham area we would love to have you join us as we celebrate our risen Lord. Plus, there is a beautiful alto saxophone player that is not too shabby! =) If you need it, childcare will be provided. If you can't make it Friday night, join us Easter Sunday morning as we once again worship together. It will be a condensed version, but still awesome! Sunday morning, the service will be begin at 10:00am.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter weekend. May we all remember why we celebrate this weekend.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Ugh - Easter Week

Some of you may have read the title of this entry and thought "how horrible"! But what you don't understand is how BUSY this week is for me and my family. And it has ALWAYS been like this.

For those of you who don't know, my father is a minister of music at a church in Huntsville. And for the last 27 years of my life, I have spent every night of the week leading up to Easter at church. Easter was always a time where the choir/musicians would put on a big Easter production. I have had the opportunity to sing in kid's choirs, carry banners, play alto saxophone, wave palm branches, dress in biblical costumes and sing in 22 Easter productions! Some musicals were more outlandish including live animals and "Jesus" carrying a cross down the center isle. It takes lots of practice and preparation thus why I spend 7 straight days at church!!!

Even though I do not have the opportunity to participate under my father, I still am involved at another church in Gardendale, Alabama (Christway Church of God). Although I have not spent every night at church, this was the schedule

Sunday - Morning Church Service then practice from 2:00 pm until 4:00pm
Monday- OFF
Tuesday - OFF
Wednesday - Practice from 7:00 - 9:00pm
Thursday - Dress Rehearsal from 7:00pm until!
Friday - His Passion Performance @ 7:00pm
Saturday - No performance or practice....but the Easter egg hunt
Sunday - Morning Church Service

And can I just say playing alto saxophone is terrible on my lips! A reed (aka a piece of wood) vibrates to make the sound that comes from the saxophone. This piece wood tears up my lip! I have raw places where the skin pulls off! Braxton can forget about kissing this week!

I promise to have a better attitude by Easter Sunday and by Friday's performance. =)