Tuesday, February 24, 2009

#26 - Visit The Biltmore Estates

Yes, Braxton and I have a list of 101 THINGS TO ENJOY AS A COUPLE. This was a list created by me while I worked in Birmingham....I didn't have enough to do for 40 hours each week! But this list has been interesting in seeing what we have completed and how long it has taken.

A few of them we have completed....
#51 -- Sing a solo before Braxton preaches a message
#64 -- Buy a brand new house
#65 -- Paint a baby's room pink or blue (well we painted it khaki!)
#85 -- Take a picture on the beach wearing white shirts
#94 -- Create a family webpage and keep it up-to-date (what are you reading???)

So, they might be the small things in life but to Braxton and I, they mean alot!

Back to #26! Braxton and I are leaving Friday morning for a trip to the Biltmore Estates. Braxton has visited the Biltmore before, but this will be my first trip. I can't wait! This is our first anniversary trip and we can't wait. We are taking a 4 day weekend visiting the Biltmore and coming home through Gatlinburg for one night. The only problem....it looks like rain for most of the weekend. Hopefully the rain will hold off or get over with before our trip.

ALL that matters is that Braxton and I are having a chance to spend quality time together. I can honestly say we don't get much of this time! On top of adding a child into the mix, the fact that I stay in Huntsville on Monday and Tuesday nights does not help the effort of "spending more time together"! We can work on that plan later!!

A HUGE thank you to my parents and my sister for being so willing to keep Parker this weekend. They are sharing the love. My parents think they will have Parker walking before the weekend is over! All I hope for is that he will learn "How Old Are You Parker?" And then hold up one finger! GOOD LUCK!

HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND! I will post pictures soon!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Planning Parker's Birthday Party

It is hard to believe that Parker will be a year old next month! I think the things that excites me the most about him turning a year old is that he can face forward in his car seat! No more pulled arm muscles trying to hand him toys or feed a bottle. Have you ever tried 80 miles to work and keep a 11 month old happy the whole way????

So the planning has begun for Parker's birthday party. Well, pretty much the plans are complete. I ordered invitations from a friend at work. TOO CUTE! And I have ordered his birthday shirt and all of the party supplies.

It is a Modern Monkey Theme....



Plus a I ordered him a cute shirt that says "It's This Silly Little Monkey's Birthday"! TOO CUTE!

And to top it all off....I have ordered cakes from my friend in Huntsville, Tish. I am going off of faith about what the cakes will look like, but trust me, it will be great! If you saw my cake from my baby shower in Huntsville, or if you have ever seen her work, you know it will be great. SO excited....we are having a PARTY!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Valentine Weekend Flop!

Recovering from a sickness is not the way to spend a "romantic weekend". As I posted earlier, Parker and I stayed in Huntsville on Friday night so I could get some help. And just to let you know, Braxton was not just sitting at home doing nothing. He could help take care of Parker because he was helping with a church event. ChristWay showed "Fireproof" Friday night for all of the couples....so he couldn't be at home to help.

Saturday morning I tried to recover, and left my parents' house before lunch so Parker would sleep in the car. I felt horrible trying to drive home! When we got home I noticed on the kitchen table a box of chocolates and a card. No flowers, but that doesn't surprise me! Word of advice for all of the non-married gals.....never tell your boyfriend, fiancee, future husband, etc. that flowers are a waste of money. I made the mistake and I NEVER get flowers! But I did get chocolates. As soon as I walked in the door I put on my pjs and sat in my red chair! Luckily Parker was not that playful either, but Braxton was great helping with him. We spent the entire day in our pjs (seeing a trend from last weekend???), and we watched 13 episodes of LOST! Crazy, I know!

Sunday was our normal routine of church, lunch and naps! Then Sunday evening we took Parker to his Nana's for the evening and so she could keep him on President's Day since the daycare was closed. Although Braxton and I could have gone to dinner and a movie, we opted for a little free time for ourselves. He wanted to play his Playstation and I really wanted to scrapbook. And that is exactly what we did....and I finished a book! YEAH!!!

Now on to another week of work.....but I know that later part of this month is going to be GREAT! I will post later!

HARD TO BELIEVE....Parker will be 1 years old in less than month! AWWWW!!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Stomach Bug for Parker & Me!

Horrible! That is how I am going to describe the last 48 hours! Wednesday night we went to church as usual. After band/choir practice, I went to the nursery to pick up Parker. He was sitting in the sink covered in vomit. My poor little boy! Not only did it get ALL over him, he also got one of the teachers. SORRY! Instead of going out to eat with our group of friends, we headed home. When we got home Braxton went to lay Parker down in his bed and he threw up again! This would be sheet change #1!
Well, we had to give Parker a bath because it got in his hair when we took his clothes off. So, then I have him sitting on the couch with me and I start to put his pjs on. And he threw up again! From there we decided to put him in the bed with us for the night. And once again he threw up. This would be sheet change #2! And once again!!! Sheet change #3! And if it can't get any worse he then throws up on Braxton while they were sitting in the rocking chair.
All in all, I washed 5 loads of clothes/linens. Mainly because I had to wash everything from sheets, to mattress pad covers to blankets. Not to mention 3 wardrobe changes for Braxton and Parker!
Thursday, I stayed home with Parker. He seemed to be feeling pretty good, but I kept him on mostly liquids. One positive about being at home....I got all of our tax information together. What a blessing in disguise! That little excitement was short lived. As we were feeding Parker his last bottle Thursday night, he threw up again! UGH! I called my mom and she said she would keep Parker on Friday so I could get some things done in the office.
Friday, I drove to Huntsville for work and dropped Parker off at my parent's house. I decided to call the doctor to schedule an appointment because I also feared he had an ear infection. After visiting the doctor he determined no ear infection, but did give me some meds if Parker was to get sick again. Well, he never did....but while at work I started feeling terrible. I left work early and went to my parent's house. I went to bed and thankful my parents watched Parker. It was too terribly long before I got sick! UGH! Other than morning sickness, I have not been sick to my stomach in probably 4 years. So, just in case I get sick again, Parker and I are staying in Huntsville with my parents. What a way to spend Valentine's Day Eve!??!?!?!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Weekend of Relaxation and Success

What a weekend! Probably one of the most productive weekends I have had all year. Hopefully I can keep up with for the rest of 2009!

Friday I worked from home while Parker traveled through the house. He does such a great job at playing by himself while I worked. Trust me...the rest of the weekend was plenty of Parker play time!!! After Braxton got home from work, we loaded up and visited the big city of Cullman!

Saturday we spent the day at the house. Before Parker was born, Braxton and I used to love to schedule a "lazy day". The only requirement for lazy days....you have to stay in your pjs all day long. And that is exactly what we did. We enjoyed playing with Parker and just spending time at the house all weekend. Kudos to me...I cooked breakfast, lunch and dinner! What a great wife and mom!

Sunday was church. And what a great service! Bro. Bryant really challenged the church. He challenged us to turn off the tv 30 minutes every day and spend those 30 minutes reading and study the Bible as a family. I know speaking for myself that it will be a challenge. Sometimes I get so caught up in my day that I do let it slip my mind. I do take the time in the mornings on my way to work to pray, but as far as actually reading what God has to say....well I need to step up the challenge! Sunday night was spent being productive. It is sad to say that I have not had the opportunity to go through some of my Christmas presents! I had 3 shopping bags of presents and hand-me-downs that needed to be "processed". AND I DID IT!!!! I was so proud of myself. Hopefully the next two weekends will be as productive.

Hope everyone has a wonderful week! If you are in the south, go out and enjoy the beautiful weather!

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Okay, so as a crazy mom who thinks their child is the cutest, I have entered Parker into a little contest. If you want to help out a crazy new mom, visit the website below, scroll down until you see Parker's picture, then click on the picture and it will allow you to vote.

REMEMBER...you can vote one time per day.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Mom Song

This is an amazing performance! And what a great song too! ENJOY!!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

When Will It Slow Down?

I have had to ask myself this question multiple times in the last few weeks. I need a break. It is not that I need a break from anything in particular, I just want to slow down a bit and soak in the beginning of 2009. Can you believe it is already February 1st! OH MY!!!

So, let's play a little catch up....

Two of the weekends this month, I had work events in Huntsville. So, we have spent some time with my family and friends in Huntsville. Hopefully we can get back to Birmingham on the weekends for time with Braxton's family and our friends from church. The other weekends have been spent at the house kind of being lazy. Parker has the opportunity to enjoy playing with all of his toys and Braxton and I have the opportunity to watch Lost.

That is the truth...Braxton and I are caught up in the Lost craze. We have been renting all of the past seasons of lost and watching them on the weekends. My dad has been kind enough to record the new season so that when we eventually get caught up we will have season 5 to watch. It is good....but addictive!

And I must tell you about my WONDERFUL day I had last Tuesday. On mine and Braxton's one year anniversary, Braxton bought me a 1 hour massage. It has been almost 2 years and I had not yet used it....pregnancy and time had to do alot with that fact! I finally took time off work to pamper me! I worked the first few hours of the morning, then I had a dentist appointment. After my teeth were cleaned....everyone should be proud...I actually went to the gym. I cleaned up and then had a very relaxing 1 hour massage. The massage therapist recommended I come back every 4 to 6 weeks. My checking account does not completely agree, but Braxton and I talked and we think once every 3 months would be more reasonable. I can't wait until APRIL!!! After my massage I went to one of my favorite scrapbooking stores in Huntsville called Once Upon a Scrapbook. I was looking for items so that I could make Dakota's (my 6, almost 7, year old niece) birthday invitations. I saw them in Parents magazine in November and knew I had to make them. Aren't they adorable???? Just think, it only took 4 hours to make 8 invitations! But it was worth it to see her face.

It is a little girl in a sleeping bag!

And the invitation wording is on the body of the little girl!